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My Story


1. St
rong, Honorable, Virtuous

Dawn: [don]
1. the first appearance of light in the morning

My name has defined my life and ergo it defines my art. 

I have traveled most of my life, and still plan to do so. When you travel you are surrounded by nature, and the mundane objects have thrilling stories. I’ve learned how to make art though observation. I have also learned that one medium isn’t enough, when traveling across country by car it’s good idea to have multiple forms of entrainment, I found this in drawing, embroidery, photography and reading. I often include these first loves in my current work.

Education, Certificates, and CV

University of North Texas
Bachelor's degree in Studio Art: Ceramics
Bachelor's degree in Studio Art
:  Drawing/Painting
Minor in Art History

Tarrant County College
Associate Degree of Arts
2018: Basic American Sign Language Acquisition
2019: Sign Language Communicator
2023: National Society of Leadership and Sucess Training Program
Downloadable CV

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